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Migrating from bot-whatsapp to builderbot: A Simple Guide

builderbot is the next evolution of bot-whatsapp, maintaining 99% compatibility while introducing significant improvements. This guide will walk you through the straightforward migration process.

Key Differences

  1. Name Change: From bot-whatsapp to builderbot
  2. Enhanced Language Support: Now includes TypeScript in addition to JavaScript
  3. Improved Features: New functionalities while maintaining familiar concepts

Easy Migration Steps

Update Dependencies

First, install the latest builderbot core:

npm install @builderbot/bot@latest
# or
pnpm add @builderbot/bot@latest

Install Your Preferred Provider

Choose and install the provider you're using:

pnpm install @builderbot/provider-baileys@latest

Update Imports

Modify your imports to use builderbot:

// Old
const { createBot, createProvider, createFlow, addKeyword } = require('@bot-whatsapp/bot')

// New
const { createBot, createProvider, createFlow, addKeyword, MemoryDB } = require('@builderbot/bot')

Update Provider

Change the provider import and initialization:

// Old
const WebWhatsappProvider = require('@bot-whatsapp/provider/web-whatsapp')

// New
const { BaileysProvider } = require('@builderbot/bot')

// When initializing:
const adapterProvider = createProvider(BaileysProvider)
adapterProvider.initHttpServer(3000) // New feature in builderbot

Update Database

Update your database adapter:

// Old
const MockAdapter = require('@bot-whatsapp/database/mock')
const adapterDB = new MockAdapter()

// New
const { MemoryDB } = require('@builderbot/bot')
const adapterDB = new MemoryDB()

Review and Update Flows

While most of your flows will work as-is, consider using new features like addAction for more complex logic:

const infoFlow = addKeyword('info')
    .addAction(async (ctx, { flowDynamix }) => {
        await flowDynamix(`Welcome ${ctx.name}`)

Code Comparison

Here's a side-by-side comparison of a basic bot setup in bot-whatsapp and builderbot:

const { createBot, createProvider, createFlow, addKeyword } = require('@bot-whatsapp/bot')

const BaileysProvider = require('@bot-whatsapp/provider/baileys')
const MockAdapter = require('@bot-whatsapp/database/mock')

const flowPrincipal = addKeyword(['hola', 'alo'])
    .addAnswer(['Hola, bienvenido a mi tienda', '¿Como puedo ayudarte?'])
    .addAnswer(['Tengo:', 'Zapatos', 'Bolsos', 'etc ...'])

const main = async () => {
    const adapterDB = new MockAdapter()
    const adapterFlow = createFlow([flowPrincipal])
    const adapterProvider = createProvider(BaileysProvider)
        flow: adapterFlow,
        provider: adapterProvider,
        database: adapterDB,


Final Considerations

  • Migration should be relatively straightforward due to high compatibility
  • Take advantage of new builderbot features, especially if you opt to use TypeScript
  • Maintain your existing development practices and patterns, as they remain valid


My first chatbot

Learn how build your first chatbot in few minutes

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Understand the essential concepts for building bots

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Add Functions

The key to learning how to write flows is add-functions.

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Unlimitate and start implementing the community plugins.

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Learn how to modularise flows so that you can have a more maintainable bot.

Send Message

How to send a message via HTTP to start conversations, you can send multimedia as well.


A good practice is to dockerise your bots to make them more maintainable and effective.


Learning about events will make us more fluent when creating chatbots.